Blogging via Chatbot

In the last months weblogs feel more and more orphaned and even this blog got fewer articles than I wanted to publish. I think on social networks like Twitter and Facebook it’s too easy to publish images and your current thoughts or to share links.

So why shouldn’t I do that with my blog with the positive side effect that all my data belongs to me? But to quickly publish anything you need an interface, especially when you want to publish from your phone. You can install a mobile theme for your Wordpress blog, but firstly I hate the mobile view of WP, secondly I don’t use Wordpress, and thirdly „fast“ is not the best description for the UI.

I came up with the idea, that chat bots are one of the most hyped topics in Asia and a few weeks ago I had a discussion with a team mate, where my viewpoint was „chat bots are overrated and I don’t understand why the hype is so huge“ – but come on, I want to be convinced. 😉

One of the main benefits of chat bots is, that nearly every smartphone user has installed a messenger app, e.g. Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. But since WhatsApp doesn’t offer an official API for small developers like me, I even don’t like that messenger. So I decided to write a bot for Telegram and was really surprised, how easy it is.

Another benefit is the speed of the messenger apps and you don’t need animated user interfaces to write a blog post, really! The messengers are quite ahead of mobile views in a browser. Since you’re able to upload photos you shot a second ago and add your story, it’s quite easy to publish your stuff and share it to the typical social networks and search engines.

For me as web developer chat bots have another benefit: I don’t need to test the interfaces in every f*cking browser 😉 They just work and further development of features are really easy and fast to implement.

Well, we’ll see, whether I will blog more than in the past or not. This article is the first test run for my bot and I’ll look around what I implement next. For this English version of the article I implemented the multi-lingual feature 😃

Maybe I will find other services I can connect to with crazy features like a spell checker (I think I have some typos in this article again 😉) or maybe a service that finds images for articles. The possibilities are huge.

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